Monday, January 28, 2013

MuuvSport would like to thank CrossFit Amped for hosting the 2012 Gorilla Games here in Bellevue, WA at the Meydenbauer Center. The event was well planned out and the turnout was amazing!!! Thank you again to CF Amped for allowing MuuvSport to be a part of this exciting event. Also, thank you to our friends, athletes, and customers who stopped by to say "hi" and to demo the stealth align roller. The response was tremendous!!! 

Check out a video from the event!

How and When To Foam R

How and When To Foam Roll


Alright let’s roll (very bad pun totally intended :-)!  Foam rolling is incredibly easy to do.  Take the roller, place your body weight on it, and roll on a muscle group.  If the muscle is tender – as some areas like the IT band will be occasionally – then use your off leg to brace some of you weight on.
I typically do a light foam rolling pre-workout, then a full 5-10 minute session after training.  Different athletes and trainers have various protocols, but this works best for me.  I also take approximately 30-60 seconds per muscle group when doing a full foam roll session on the Stealth Align.
If you hit a spot that is sore, then just apply pressure to the area with the roller for 30-60 seconds.  Do NOT roll bruises or acute injuries.  Also, if you have circulatory or other medical conditions I would not advise foam rolling until you consult a medical professional.
If you are worried about forgetting some of the exercises, here is a PDF document for a quick print out for you to take to the gym and check off as you roll!
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